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Draft: giscanner: Handle pid_t, etc. as their own top-level types

Simon McVittie requested to merge wip/smcv/issue494-unix into main
  • !465 (merged)

  • Add test coverage for how dev_t, gid_t, etc. are handled

  • giscanner: Handle pid_t, etc. as their own top-level types

    Previously we assumed that these are int-sized, but that isn't necessarily true on every Unix variant (and in fact dev_t is 64-bit on x86 Linux, so was always wrong here). Give them the same treatment as time_t.

    These types are not included in INTROSPECTABLE_BASIC and therefore not included in everything.[ch], because the code that generates those files is not set up to be able to deal with types that only exist on certain platforms. They are included in gimarshallingtests.[ch], but only within #ifdef G_OS_UNIX.

I'm not sure whether this is 100% right, but it's my attempt at an equivalent of #494 (closed), !455 (merged) for the Unix-specific types dev_t, gid_t and so on.

Edited by Simon McVittie

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